Your 'Weapons of Choice' for today....[pics preferred]


my toys for today
I got my Hot Rod Deluxe back from the repair shop so it'll be getting a workout today.


Thanks. Monoprice 15W, before and after visual mods.

View attachment 2158

It does sound better that color. I play it through a 2X10" cab.

Oh wow. I didn't realize you had a 1st gen MP15. Nice!

The current model just jumped in price by $100 in the last couple of weeks. From 2019 to 2024, it went up a total of $30, from $249 to $279. I actually got mine for $200 on sale in 2020. It was $249, on, sale for 20%(or $50) off.

Then it took basically 1 day to jump another $100. That's messed up.
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My weapons of choice for today:
FGN J-Std Iliad HH in KoaNaturalBurst
& Laney VC 15-110
