The usual suspect. I think many of you know the story behind this guitar. This is the 2023 Epi that I picked up for almost nothing for my bday last year. The day I bought it, 7 days after my bday, was the day my dad had a stroke. I won't ever be getting rid of this guitar. Ever.
That's one reason I kept it, even after the FedEx guy cracked the neck. This was the one I had showed my dad that morning and told him I was hopefully going to win the auction for.
When I left around 9am, I told him I had lost the auction. When I got back, around 1015am, he was having a stroke. So I didn't get to tell him later that day that I actually ended up winning the auction in a "2nd chance" offer from ebay. Something I've never previously gotten in the 20+ yrs I've been on ebay.
The weirdest part was that when I told my mom I lost the auction that morning, she asked "what happens if the winner doesn't pay?" and I said "well then it usually goes back up for auction again, I think?

Never guessing they'd send me an offer to buy it after the winner backed out a couple of hours later. Yea, this guitar has a story. It's story ends with me. I won't ever sell it so that's all there is to it. Its too good of a guitar to ever let go. And it weighs in at a super light 8 lbs even.