Show Your Number One Amp

It's a nice guitar you're right, except for the Gibson name it has really nothing in common with other Gibson models, it's a totally different beast.
Bill was a jazz player and to my way of thinking the L5 was his Gibson jazz players special. Bill designed several other models for them as well but greatly disagreed with the quality of the product they were producing. Sound familiar?
I posted a pic of my current bass rig a few weeks ago commenting on how tiny it was but I realized I failed to include something else in the pic that could be compared to it and make it's scale easier to understand. So I took one with that new Sire U5 short scale bass next to it. The bass itself is smaller than a full size bass yet it still stands above that little Genzler Combo. It's tiny. I have to laugh because in the past the bassist more typically had the biggest rig on the stage. Not any longer. My guitars amps are bigger than that bass rig and heavier.
I've got six combos, all 20-watts or less, and it changes almost weekly. Right now I'm using my most recent acquisition, a Marshall Origin 20C combo. Great sounding amp, I've got it at the .5 watt setting for use in the home studio. It's pretty huge for just having a 10" speaker.

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I've got six combos, all under 20-watts, and it changes almost weekly. Right now I'm using my most recent acquisition, a Marshall Origin 20C combo. Great sounding amp, I've got it at the .5 watt setting for use in the home studio. It's pretty huge for just having a 10" speaker.

Howdy and welcome to Gear talk !
I have the head/cab version. It's a very versatile amp that's hard to beat.
I used to be an amp guy more than a guitar guy...since I bought the boogie I've not gassed for an you say, I just buy guitars...and play 'em through the boogie...
Used to be either one of ...
Both 67's.
The little fellow left home of about 30 years 18 months ago...
Its larger sibling is being crated as I type (figure of speech) to be shipped across country to its new home on the East Coast, having been sold a couple days ago.

Chemotherapy isn't free. And when they decide you need the good stuff... it's gonna cost ya. A single dose is north of $12,000.

Boy I'm sure glad I bought some nice musical instruments. I'd be toast by now if I hadn't had those to sell off.

Don't know what's next... probably my house, it's a dump, but it sits on a really large piece of wooded property in a desirable neighborhood. Too bad the city stopped giving away tents to people without a place to live, but they figured that by doing so they were just encouraging people to embark on the glorious lifestyle adventure of homelessness.
Oh well. We still have death with dignity. Trouble is by the time I qualify, my dignity will be long gone.
2024 Fender Hot Rod Deluxe IV

Just got here about 30-45 mins ago. I tested it to make sure nothing was wrong with it and then it gets put up until my bday in 6 weeks.

*I slid the included amp cover on it and put it in the hall closet. The cardboard box is in the attic lol. No, I'm not going to slide it out and play when no one's home. I SWEAR! 😁🤣

Surprisingly, it wasn't difficult to find a decent bedroom volume down around 2 lol. I plan on ordering a 12AY7 for V1 and possibly a 12AT7 for V3 to tame it a bit & get some more use out of the volume knob before it's too loud.

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I’m not sure I have a #1. My latest addition is a Fender Vaporizer.
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Joining the Excelsior in my Pawn Shop category.
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I think these are just cool, and they sound great.

How are those? I looked at them while looking for a new amp but wasn't real sure about them since you don't see many of them.

I've got six combos, all 20-watts or less, and it changes almost weekly. Right now I'm using my most recent acquisition, a Marshall Origin 20C combo. Great sounding amp, I've got it at the .5 watt setting for use in the home studio. It's pretty huge for just having a 10" speaker.


I considered the Origin series Marshalls when I was looking, as well. Not sure I was real serious about it since my current amp is Marshall-based and I really wanted something different this time.
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How are those? I looked at them while looking for a new amp but wasn't real sure about them since you don't see many of them.

I considered the Origin series Marshalls when I was looking, as well. Not sure I was real serious about it since my current amp is Marshall-based and I really wanted something different this time.
Wrt my Pawn Shops (Excelsior and Vaporizer)…the cool look probably got me started on them, but they are very nice amps to play. They are both bold and can be really loud.

I changed the speaker in my Excelsior to a 1518, which really made it a living thing. Sounds excellent with just a reverb and delay pedal..the onboard tremolo works well, but may be an acquired taste for some. I carried it to a jam in SC a year or so ago and it had no problems keeping up with six other guitars, a bass and drum kit all going at once…volume no more than 10 oclock. Aside fm me not caring for the oem speaker, my Excelsior had a little tube rattle when I first got it…changed V1 to a Gold Lion ECC83 and V2 to a JJ ECC83S (V2 probably the key) and no more rattle. A sweet amp.

My Vaporizer appears to be untouched OEM. I thought it sounded very good at the little shop where I demo’d and purchased it. At home, on an amp stand…it is awesome sounding. It could easily make me a 2x10 convert were I not so invested in 12” speakers. The onboard reverb is pretty lush, due to the largish tank, I guess. I rarely use the “Vaporizer” switch/feature bc it appears to kick the amp wfo, which is too loud for normal humans.

I have a new Origin 50C as well and find it to be a very nice amp. I’ve really only been using a reverb/delay pedal with it. Excellent sound. Btwn it and my old JCM602, I feel I have abt all the Marshallesque tones I could want.

Happy Hunting.
2024 Fender Hot Rod Deluxe IV

Just got here about 30-45 mins ago. I tested it to make sure nothing was wrong with it and then it gets put up until my bday in 6 weeks.

*I slid the included amp cover on it and put it in the hall closet. The cardboard box is in the attic lol. No, I'm not going to slide it out and play when no one's home. I SWEAR! 😁🤣

Surprisingly, it wasn't difficult to find a decent bedroom volume down around 2 lol. I plan on ordering a 12AY7 for V1 and possibly a 12AT7 for V3 to tame it a bit & get some more use out of the volume knob before it's too loud.

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It's crazy how much better all of my pedals sound through this. On the Monoprice 15w combo, all of my OD's get me the same tone. On this? They all sound different! Finally!

That's why I have so many. I'd buy one and it would sound just like the other 7. So I'd buy something else. And it sounded the same too. So I'd buy something else. I think it's probably the 12" Celestion Seventy/80 that's causing it. When I played the Hot Rod through that, it sounded like a totally different amp.
Here's the current #1, on the left. Monoprice Stage Right 15w 1x12 combo aka the Laney Cub 12R with a spring reverb. Pulled the chassis last night. Replaced power tubes. Rebiased. I made a thread about it all.

Yes it's full of surface mount parts. No I don't care. It sounds good. That's all that matters. I didn't buy it for longevity. I bought it to play until it broke lol. So far, I haven't had a single issue in going on 3.5 or 4 years.
