I really appreciate your message... Well, after looking at the prices of even used Martins, I realized it is totally out of my reach now, unless I win the lottery or find a part time job, which I've been looking for. I'm retired, and I might be considered too old, even though nobody believes me when I tell them my age. I have listened to many videos demo-ing the E40D, and I've read a ton of reviews from people who bought one. I have not seen any negative reviews at all. I have also heard some comparisons between Eastmans and Martins. The Eastmans do not sound like a Martin, but they do sound REALLY good. I have heard some good things about Recording King guitars, too, but no music stores around here have any. The Eastman build quality is impeccable, and I have seen them in person, so I feel more confident in their reliability. I just bought the Eastman E10D, thinking I would really like a D18e style guitar, but I found out after playing it for a while, that I really prefer the sound of Rosewood. There's a music store seller on Reverb who has given me a $500 discount offer on a brand new E40D, and a guy is coming over tomorrow to look at my E10D. If all goes well and he buys it, I may not have to sell my Taylor... Boy, this is turning into a book!

Anyway, thanks again. I'm going to check out that Recording King RD-342!