When you think about all of the "crud" we've been ingesting since birth even without medical science the fact that we live as long as we do is kind of amazing. But I agree. No sense helping "The Reaper" at his work.
Don't take it for granted. I almost died because I did at my job. I didn't know any better so I just did what I saw the painter do. He used a respirator when painting a car but if he was just doing a small part he didn't. So I copied him. Within 9 months, I had so much crap in my lungs that it caused over 2.5 liters of fluid to build up in the left side of my chest.
I had no idea. I would wake up in the morning and my ribs would hurt a little so I would joke with my ex about "she must have kicked me in the ribs while we were asleep". And I'd take a few pain pills and go to work. One night I woke up and I was having some sort of muscle spasm in my chest and I almost couldn't inhale. I almost couldn't breathe! And it hurt. B A D.
So I take a hydrocodone and go to the ER. They eventually send me home with ibuprofen and think I was drug seeking and I wasn't really sick. Why? I didn't put down on my paperwork that I was taking pain medication.

A week later, the other side of my ribs was sore so I went to the ER at the Level 1 trauma center here. A different hospital. They had a chest tube in my ribs 30 mins after I got there, draining out all that fluid that hospital 1 missed. I didn't go home for 2 weeks.
They scheduled me for emergency surgery the next morning. They did a
Thoracotomy; A thoracotomy is a surgical procedure in which a cut is made between the ribs to see and reach the lungs or other organs in the chest or thorax. Typically, a thoracotomy is performed on the right or left side of the chest. Mine was on the left.
The cardio-thoracic surgeon said that I could have died at any time. There was so much fluid in my chest, it was crushing my heart to half it's normal size. That explains why my resting heart rate was always over 100 bpm no matter what. It had to beat twice as fast to keep pumping the volume of blood my body needs. I would lie in bed for hours trying to fall asleep. 4 hrs later and it's still 110 bpm so I'd take 2 or 3 pain pills because that's the only way I could relax enough to sleep.
So during surgery, they cracked my ribs open on the left side and went into my lung. The doctor said they cleaned a bunch of crap out of my lung. He said it was like picking Play-Doh out of carpet. That was all the paint and clearcoat I inhaled that collected & solidified in my lungs. And almost killed me.
While I was in ICU for 10 days, my ex left me. Told me I was just attention seeking and that's why I was at the hospital. When I got out, she refused to let me have my things and 90% of the stuff In our house was mine. My clothes. My furniture. Plates. Silverware. Other furniture. Even my wallet with my ID and money was there and she refused to let me have it so I couldn't even get my prescriptions filled at the pharmacy.
Thank God the babysitter was there when I got there. She let me in and I got my wallet and my clothes and my ex kept everything I owned. She was also pregnant with our daughter so I figured she needed it more than me anyway. I went to my parents house since I had nowhere else to go. And I let her keep everything because I didn't feel like fighting with her. I don't fight & argue. I just don't lol.
Anyway. I almost died because I didn't use a respirator half the time because I didn't know any better. That was around 2011. Almost 14 yrs later and I still have health issues from it. Still have fluid in my chest that they won't do anything about because "it's not bad enough to worry about yet". Or it wasn't last time I had it looked at.
Dont be a fool. Use the proper Personal Protective Equipment.