Where is everybody?


Jun 28, 2024
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I’ve been here not as much as usual due to some health concerns, but I am usually able to cruise the forum during the hours that most of our American members are asleep because I am sick and have a hard time sleeping at night.

I know that we will be hearing from @Gemini soon because she just had a new guitar delivered today. I wonder if she will bring it by and have me set it up?

Even though I’ve been ill, I’ve been cleaning and rearranging the house the last few days. And I’ve found all sorts of cool stuff that I forgot that I had. I got rid of a ton of trash and recyclables, like mail, magazines, catalogs, and lots of sports related items that have been sitting, packed away in boxes for the las 15 years or so.

I hope that everybody reading this post has musician friends that they can tell about the forum. This place is different from the ED forums that we all came from. I like that it isn’t brand or model specific.

I hope that everybody that hasn’t checked in for a few days is busy having f\un, and not just being a slave to the 9=5 grind.
Well, I was here. But now I'm not. I may return or I may not. I've had bouts of transparency lately often followed by completely vanishing for several hours at a time. It's more than a little annoying especially right after I've brewed a fresh pot of coffee. I come back. The coffees always cold.....drat it.
This reminds me of a limerick- " I was here, but now I'm gone. I left this stank to carry on. Those who like me, like me well, those who don't can go to ........"
no no no no no no no
huh uh
speak for yourself
nope, absolutely not
smile'n bob ain't got noth'n on me.
View attachment 1555
just say'n

Super funny adverts, worthless product. More text in the link...

Enzyte is an American herbal nutritional supplement originally manufactured by Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals. The marketing of Enzyte resulted in a conviction and prison term for the company's owner and bankruptcy of the company. The product is now marketed by Vianda, LLC of Cincinnati, Ohio. The manufacturer has claimed that Enzyte promotes "natural male enhancement," which is a euphemism for enhancing erectile function. However, its effectiveness has been called into doubt and the claims of the manufacturer have been under scrutiny from various state and federal organizations. Kenneth Goldberg, medical director of the Male Health Center at Baylor University, says, "It makes no sense medically. There's no way that increasing blood flow to the penis, as Enzyte claims to do, will actually increase its size."[1]

In March 2005, following thousands of consumer complaints to the Better Business Bureau, federal agents raided Berkeley facilities, gathering material that resulted in a 112-count criminal indictment. The company's founder and CEO, Steven M Warshak, and his mother, Harriet Warshak, were found guilty of conspiracy to commit mail fraud, bank fraud, and money laundering, and in September 2008 they were sentenced to prison and ordered to forfeit $500 million in assets.[2] The convictions and fines forced the company into bankruptcy, and in December 2008 its assets were sold for $2.75 million to investment company Pristine Bay, which continued operations.[3]

Enzyte is widely advertised on U.S. television as "The once-daily tablet for natural male enhancement", or "The one-a-day tablet for natural male enhancement." The commercials feature a character known as "Smilin' Bob," acted out by Canadian actor Andrew Olcott,[4] who, in the commercials, always wears a smile that is implied to result from the enhancing effects of Enzyte; these advertisements feature double entendres. Some such commercials also feature an equally smiling "Mrs. Bob."

Because Enzyte is an herbal product, no testing is required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. An official of the Federal Trade Commission division that monitors advertising says the lack of scientific testing is "a red flag right away. There's no science behind these claims."[5] The company has conceded that it has no scientific studies that substantiate any of its Enzyte claims.[6]

Ira Sharlip, a spokesman for the American Urological Association, has said, "There is no such thing as a penis pill that works. These are all things that are sold for profit. There's no science or substance behind them."[5]
Ira Sharlip, a spokesman for the American Urological Association, has said, "There is no such thing as a penis pill that works. These are all things that are sold for profit. There's no science or substance behind them."[5]
IF there was the line would go from the front door around the world twice and back again......:cry: :ROFLMAO: