Thinning the herd ?


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2024
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Who's 'guilty' ?

I am guilty,
have sold two by now and two others are listed for sale
making space and helping partly funding my recent and future orders
from the land of the rising sun

Sold the PRS-SE Parlor - though I might get a new one in 'doghair-burst'
when they are available in 2025

Sold the Epi ES-175 Premium, just did not get played much in all the years
not sure if I'll get another 'Fat Lady' in the future
Certainly have, repeatedly.
They’re like Tribles (old Star Trek episode).
They breed like them.
I’m always cutting back and thinning the stable.
Then my GAS addiction sees “something I’ve always wanted!”
At the current moment I’ve mercilessly cut it down to just two:
But one on order is coming and already paid for.
Stay tuned: film at eleven!
But probably not tonight.
‘Course, the day ain’t over, and I have some room on a credit card. :censored:
and another one is gone, the Kala Jazz-Tenor-Ukulele

so I am on a good way downwards
currently at 17
In the past year and a half we've cut it down from around 40 to 27. Although I've recently finished a "Garoffice" (Garage office) and that provides more room to store more guitars.........
I'm wrestling again with selling my Jazz Bass. It's another of those instruments that began it's life as an FSR Squier CV in in LPB just like the '66 Jazz I had long ago. I added Wilde Noiseless pickups, a chrome finished Babicz FCH Bridge, all new electronics and control plate, and had the frets leveled and crowned by a pro luthier. It's several grades above what it began life as and virtually new in mint condition.

As much as I like having both a PBass and a JBass I really want to force myself to play by G&L M2000 more. It would very easily sub for the Jazz Bass and while not identical tonally the M2000 is worlds more versatile and feels better to play. I just need to get past my nostalgia thing of having bought it initially because it reminded me of the first pro bass I ever bought. It's like an old "flame".....LOL.
I usually keep on hand what I'm going to use. Anything over 7 at a time is too much IMO
I'm always mulling over selling one or another. Other than maybe wanting to add a Casino again or maybe selling my Strat and replacing it with another G&L Comanche I'm pretty happy with what's in the guitar rack. So I opted to list one of my basses instead. It's that LPB Classic Vibe Jazz Bass I picked up on sale a few years ago and customized the crap out of with the Wilde Noiseless Pickups and Babicz FCH Bridge I already had. That was the one that needed some fretwork done and Fender covered it under warranty.

I also bought a new chrome control plate and upgraded wiring harness and set it up with some GHS Pressurewound Strings. It plays like a dream now and sounds like an old Jazz Bass should but I don't really need four basses and it tends to keep me from playing my G&L M2000 which I tend to prefer. I bought it initially both to customize and because it reminded me of my very first pro bass, a '66 Jazz Bass also in a LPB finish. But the nostalgia has worn off and practicality has taken it's place. Now I can part with it.

I'm pretty certain I'll end up removing the upgraded pickups and bridge and putting the stock ones back as most buyers don't even know what they are enough to appreciate how much better the bass is with them than without and that's fine too. I won't have any problems selling them separately especially since the Babicz FCH Bridges are showing out of stock now and those pickups usually take 4-6 weeks to get. I've done that before as well when something I've upgraded for me won't bring a premium price when sold.