I'm disappointed....


Jun 28, 2024
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I just found out that my son won't be able to take the guitars that I wanted to send him home with.

He has a plan to pay off his debt in a year, and is going to be staying in his buddy's garage for the next year. All he's going to have for heat in the winter is a couple of space heaters.

The temperatures can be extreme during the winters in Oklahoma. 24 degrees at night and then 70's during the day. Not to mention what the humidity can be, it just wouldn't be good for the guitars I was going to send him.

He just got out of the Army a couple of weeks ago. His property, which has a Gibson, Fender, and a Kramer in the the pack, won't be delivered for a couple of months to him in OK. He starts the police academy in November.

He's coming back to Oregon in a couple of weeks, and won't be able to bring his guitars for me to store them. There is no room for his buddy to store them in the house. The garage just has a couple of space heaters in it. I just hope his LP doesn't get ruined.

He's applied for many jobs for some income while he waits for November and they've told him they won't hire him because he's "Over Qualified".

I think that I will take the guitars I was going to give him and sell them. He said I could do whatever I wanted with them. So, I think I'm going to sell them and send him the money.

I offered him my Beretta M9 A3, which meets all of his departments requirements, except one. It isn't black. So he is gonna have to have it Serra Coated. That will cost him about $200.00. But at least he isn't going to have to cough up a ton of money for a new side arm. He was going to get a Beretta anyway. So at least this will work out.

His buddy works at the department that he will be working for, and they do have department issued sidearms in a pinch, but what they have doesn't fit his hand. That's why I offered him mine.

I'm pretty proud of my son. He sets goals and always has a plan. And he's willing to sacrifice to meet his goals. I wish ther was more that I could do to make things easier for him, but this is all I can do.
I talked to the local GC. The guy that I usually deal with is going to be there Saturday. I have five guitars I'm going to take in.

Gretsch 5210 P90 (maybe sell, depends on what the want to pay)
Indio ES335 Clone
Fender Redondo Acoustic
Ortega Classical cutaway A/E
Epiphone LP Classic Gold Top

I should be able to get $900 to 1K for those five.

The Gibson SG Standard I will save for him. In a year or two he may be able to take it with him. In the meantime, he can play it when he comes to visit. But, if he needs more money, I can sell the Gibson privately for a quick grand plus shipping.

He got in a pinch a couple of years ago and I sold ten guitars to help him out. That's just the way you do when you got kids. He could be 50, instead of 28, but he will always be my son. Besides, I don't want him to farm me out to some nursing home in the next 20 years ha ha.
I talked to the local GC. The guy that I usually deal with is going to be there Saturday. I have five guitars I'm going to take in.

Gretsch 5210 P90 (maybe sell, depends on what the want to pay)
Indio ES335 Clone
Fender Redondo Acoustic
Ortega Classical cutaway A/E
Epiphone LP Classic Gold Top

I should be able to get $900 to 1K for those five.

The Gibson SG Standard I will save for him. In a year or two he may be able to take it with him. In the meantime, he can play it when he comes to visit. But, if he needs more money, I can sell the Gibson privately for a quick grand plus shipping.

He got in a pinch a couple of years ago and I sold ten guitars to help him out. That's just the way you do when you got kids. He could be 50, instead of 28, but he will always be my son. Besides, I don't want him to farm me out to some nursing home in the next 20 years ha ha.
Padding your hand eh? ;)
@soulman I did keep the SG that I was going to give him, as I didn’t want that one to get ruined in the garage.

It’s a shame that he has to store the Gibson LP Studio and the American Special Strat that I gave him in the garage. He also has a Kramer that I gave him.

I told him to buy some desiccant packs to keep in the cases and store them in the cases when he’s not playing them. I also told him to make sure that he doesn’t move them in and out of the house and garage back and forth.

I told him that if he’s going to store them in the garage that that is where he should play them as there will be less chances of getting cracks that way.

I will look at getting us some matching SG’s in a year or two, after his job stabilizes and his living situation does too. Right now it just isn’t tenable. He is going to buy an armiore to keep his three cased guitars in, with a lock to keep his buddy’s kids out of them.

It was sure nice visiting with him the last few days. We never got to play guitar at all. We were so busy with other things, like getting his truck fixed. Good Lord, his repair bill on the truck came to $3500.