Delays…what’s your favorite flavor?


Jun 28, 2024
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I have a couple of different flavors. I use an EHX Memory Toy, which for me is basically a one trick pony. I’ve managed to get one or two good effects from it. But I use it for one thing, and I don’t bother changing settings on my board. It’s analog.

I was using a Digitech Brian May pedal. At the time it had a dual delay with the longest time between repeats I had been able to find. That was in 2006. I sold it during the Pandemic for a very high price, after I found a Boss unit with longer times. It was digital, and all the other settings sounded sterile.

Now for Dual Delay, I’m using a BOSS DD200. It will do 4 seconds if I need it. 800 milliseconds isn’t enough for my use. Here is a little practice video of me with a 1.2 second delay time with two repeats.

The best I've ever had was a Hardwire DL-8 to pair with the best Reverb pedal I ever had an RV-7. I sold both awhile ago for a very premium price compared to how little I paid for them initially. I've simplified my pedal board a lot and now I'm using JHS Series 3 pedals. The delay has both digital and analog settings and gets me all I need in the way of a very high quality yet very basic delay. I never really used all of the various settings on the Hardwires anyway.
Minimalism here. I've had intricate and over the top delays, only to realize I don't need/want much. A Behringer DR600 fills all my needs. A bit like Live At Leeds from The Who.

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Keeley Halo is the best delay I've ever used. The default setting (Andy Timmons mode) is perfect. I plugged it in and haven't turned a knob on it. I do use an expression pedal to control the delay in the mix, but that is it.
I have several delay pedals. The ones I like best are my MXR Carbon Copy mini, NUX Atlantic and Catalinbread Belle Epoch.
But, the less expensive DemonFx Tape Echo, Dual Mod Workstation, Ravine, Reverb&Delay Workstation and Caline Drifter 7 Delays are all good, too.

Yes, it’s overkill. No, it’s not all of them.
I am an MXR Carbon Copy guy...I think it sounds why I've never tried any other delay...would like a good swampy tremolo though...
I have the MXR Carbon Copy and like it a lot.

I’d like a tremolo pedal. I have tremolo on a Peavey tube amp. It sounds good—it’s real analog tremolo—but obviously I can only use it on that amp. Amp effects are always one trick ponies too.
I like the old analog bucket brigade chips and my longtime go-to is a DOD FX90 that I bought new around 40 years ago. I keep it on a very subtle setting. But I also keep a Keeley Caverns and a Keeley Memphis Sun on my board (both are combo delay/reverbs).

I needed a slap-back for one song over a six month commitment back in the 90s and I found the Way Huge Aqua Puss analog to be perfect. I sold it when the tour wrapped up. Kinda wish I'd hung on to it...It was an original first gen MK1 AP2.

I thought the buyer paid stupid money when I sold it...but seeing the asking today...looks like I was the stupid one.
I use whatever delay is on my boss Katana. I rarely buy any effect pedals and use the onboard Katana effects. For practising they all sound good to me! The only outside effect that I use is my Crybaby wah pedal.