Damned construction knifes ...

That’s gonna leave a marke. I still have a scar on my finger from when I CUT IT WITH A KNIFE AT AGE 9. IM 55 NOW.
Late 1965, I'm either side of 4. Put my hand through a glass storm door window like we stupidly did in 1965. I can still find five <.5" cuts along currently ~7" of my arm.

I remember bits and pieces of the the ordeal. Also recall the photoshoot on the dining room table. My parents had a photographer to come out and setup. They even splurged for 3-D slides including the viewer.
More than 2 weeks later, there was still a sliver (2-3mm thick) of flesh that didn't want to reattach and was very sensitive. Today I went to have it cut off. Should be OK in a few days ... I hope.
