College courses as mental floss


Active member
Jul 29, 2024
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Our local university offers a program for the over 60yo crowd…two courses during fall and spring semesters for $25, with no credit. I decided to dive in with both feet this year and am about to embark on week two of Elementary Spanish and American Sign Language (ASL). These are the “heaviest” academic type courses I’ve pursued under this program…the point being to heat up my brain and learn to communicate with more people—mental floss. I do not need another diploma. So far, so good.

In past semesters I’ve pursued drawing (still and figure), some PE, and Wilderness First Responder.

Is anyone else taking courses?
Well done! I started my doctorate when I was 62, for no other reason than I could. In theory that, playing guitar in a coupla bands, and doing crosswords should keep my brain good to go for a wee bit …
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Class update…going okay until I realized my brain was trying to translate ASL into Spanish during our ASL dialogue. LOL…weird, since I’m not competent enough at either to make the jump.🙊🙈🙉
I tried this a few years ago and all of a sudden, my brain said "yah know, we dropped out of college for a reason...." and I dropped out.

I have a lot more time now, though, so maybe I should.
I tried this a few years ago and all of a sudden, my brain said "yah know, we dropped out of college for a reason...." and I dropped out.

I have a lot more time now, though, so maybe I should.
There have been a couple of mornings when a part of my brain says “you don’t have to go.” But, after I get there, I feel pretty good about it. First exams coming up soonish.
Today I went to a “Deaf Chat” at a local coffee house. It was cool with nice people (probably thirty attending). It reminded me of when I lived in Japan, where I only knew how to order a beer and ask where the bathroom was…I really need to up my game.
I’m heading out to Deaf Bible Study and Church this AM. I think the group goes to lunch afterwards. Immersion tactics.