All Things Funny...

Welcome to Merica.
Yeah, no shit. Most Coloradans own guns. It makes sense since even around here we often have Bears, Wolves, and Cougars come down into our neighborhoods especially at this time of year and they also inhabit popular hiking and biking trails. But no one walks around like those two. I always wonder if these types ever realize just how ridiculous they look. I guess they want to enjoy life while they can because at that weight it's not likely they'll live a very long one. They're probably not ordering a lettuce wrap with a diet Coke.
Yeah, no shit. Most Coloradans own guns. It makes sense since even around here we often have Bears, Wolves, and Cougars come down into our neighborhoods especially at this time of year and they also inhabit popular hiking and biking trails. But no one walks around like those two. I always wonder if these types ever realize just how ridiculous they look. I guess they want to enjoy life while they can because at that weight it's not likely they'll live a very long one. They're probably not ordering a lettuce wrap with a diet Coke.
They probably will get the Diet Coke but also two of the grossest greasiest meals each.
My neighbors!
I feel for ya' brother. I don't want anyone get the idea that I'm a take away all the guns nut. I'm not and I don't know of anyone else who is either. A lot of my friends own guns and hunt or shoot at a range. But for the love of God why walk into a fast food place in camo gear toting a fully decked out assault rifle? Do they think they're gonna have to defend the place against an invasion or do they do it just because they can? How do the young kids who work there view? How 'bout families with their kids? It's ridiculous.
They probably will get the Diet Coke but also two of the grossest greasiest meals each.
Comparatively speaking Chik-fil-A is healthier than most but still. A lot of us fight weight issue me included. These guys look like the only thing they ever fought over who could fill up the biggest plate at dinner time.
I feel for ya' brother. I don't want anyone get the idea that I'm a take away all the guns nut. I'm not and I don't know of anyone else who is either. A lot of my friends own guns and hunt or shoot at a range. But for the love of God why walk into a fast food place in camo gear toting a fully decked out assault rifle? Do they think they're gonna have to defend the place against an invasion or do they do it just because they can? How do the young kids who work there view? How 'bout families with their kids? It's ridiculous.
Those are hunting rifles. Many can only afford one. So you have to be versatile. But usually we leave them in the truck for dinner. Mama didn’t like guns at the table. :)
I feel for ya' brother. I don't want anyone get the idea that I'm a take away all the guns nut. I'm not and I don't know of anyone else who is either. A lot of my friends own guns and hunt or shoot at a range. But for the love of God why walk into a fast food place in camo gear toting a fully decked out assault rifle? Do they think they're gonna have to defend the place against an invasion or do they do it just because they can? How do the young kids who work there view? How 'bout families with their kids? It's ridiculous.
Well, before this gets political, there’s a reason for concealed carry. It doesn’t make you a target, and it doesn’t make those around you in public nervous. If nobody knows you have it, nobody is gonna mind. Open carry is legal in my state, but I would never do it. It just isn’t polite, makes a lot of people scared, and will definitely get multiple calls made on you to the local LEO’s. And they will question you. Who has time for that?
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