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  1. R

    Hi from Germany

    To all the moderators or administrators around. I need to update my initial post due to a mistaken reference as regards my Epiphone Les Paul. Unfortunately, I have no way of editing my post at this point. Please help.
  2. R

    Hi from Germany

    Thank you very much, this is really kind of you. Yes indeed, I've had quite some fulfilment in my life so far, probably enough for two lives. If I could stop my treadmill, rat race daily job tomorrow, I certainly wouldn't die of tediousness. I have so many hobbies and interests, and in many...
  3. R

    Hi from Germany

    Thank you very much.
  4. R


    It seems like it has been around since early 2000. As far as I can tell, it has become pretty much standard in guitar industry, but certainly not applied on $300 guitars for obvious reasons. For what it's worth, anyone who is really interested and has about 10 minutes to spare, do have a look at...
  5. R

    Hi from Germany

    Thank you so much. Nice gif!
  6. R

    To all the Guest viewers

    Trust me, although I have never done social media, I have a lot of experience with Internet forums. In 2004, speech recognition software became my main interest, after I had started using it in my job in which it became indispensable fairly soon, but I was also very interested in the underlying...
  7. R

    Hi from Germany

    Hi everyone, I'm relatively new here and have been asked to introduce myself properly, so here we go. I'll apologise in advance for making it so long. I live in the very far western part of Germany, near Düsseldorf, not far away from Cologne, and very close to the Dutch border. In October, I...
  8. R

    To all the Guest viewers

    I will definitely and gladly introduce myself in this section, most likely today. But first, I need to take the mandatory couch pics, and I'm still waiting for the perfect daylight, being the perfectionist that I am.
  9. R

    To all the Guest viewers

    I wholeheartedly agree to all of the above. Every day spent without at least a little bit of humour is a wasted day, and I've always tried to avoid people who are either unable or unwilling to laugh at themselves also. However, in my experience, there is nothing as fragile as "Internet forum...
  10. R


    The Plek service being based on CNC, which boils down to working within ranges down to thousands of millimetres, which may not meet the eye even of the most accomplished luthier, but if it doesn't meet the eye, you might feel it in your fingertips, I would always go with the more scientific...
  11. R

    To all the Guest viewers

    Congrats to your granddaughter. I apologise, hurting your feelings wasn't intended, but the mistake I made was forgetting a rule which I had set for myself, not to comment on avatars showing kids, dogs, or cats, as your are always running the risk of getting it wrong too easily. "We care about...
  12. R

    What would you like to see added on GT?

    Oops, I just realised that it takes rotating my phone to landscape to make them show up at the top of the page also. Which isn't a natural thing for me to do, so I had missed it previously. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
  13. R

    What would you like to see added on GT?

    The chevron's to switch between pages on a multi page thread at the top of each thread, instead of just at the end of each page.
  14. R

    Strings: D'Addario NYXL Medium 11-49

    On my Epiphone Les Paul Classic which I purchased back in April, I have tried the d'Addario NYXL in 10 and 9.5 for the first time, and they came out as performing extremely well, both in terms of tone and playability, as opposed to the Ernie Ball I had been using previously. They are a few bucks...
  15. R


    And so the saying goes. Trust me, if you try hard, things might improve over time. It is pretty much like practising playing the guitar.
  16. R


    Kein Preußen, früher mal preußsich besetzt, aber heute das "richtige" Deutschland. :) Badisch-Sibirien vielleicht auch, aber da kann ich mich sprachlich nicht richtig verständigen. :)
  17. R

    To all the Guest viewers

    Well, if you think about it, some of the things keeping me away from joining the forum up to this point until entering it just now because of the Plek service thread which I just replied to have been: The avatar with the toddler holding a guitar in is hands, making no sense at all. The avatar...
  18. R


    I wouldn't suggest dismissing the Plek service altogether, specifically if you have never tried it. I strongly believe in the underlying technology, emanating from German engineering. Mentioning this as a German engineer of course. I actually tried the Plek service myself on an Epiphone Les...