Recent content by mkeplays

  1. mkeplays

    I just bought a Les Paul Gibson Epiphone tribute

    It's the new one, I just bought it through Sweetwater and it has the stamp above the neck clearly stating tribute
  2. mkeplays

    Loop pedals

    Who puts out a good Loop pedal but is at a reasonable price?
  3. mkeplays

    NAD—Bugera T5 Head

    Looking for opinions on the boss katana gen 3 100 watt amplifier. Is it worth the money?
  4. mkeplays

    I just realized I spelled my name wrong LMAO

    I just realized I spelled my name wrong LMAO
  5. mkeplays

    I just bought a Les Paul Gibson Epiphone tribute

    They keep saying that the photo is too large I don't see how it is but
  6. mkeplays

    I just bought a Les Paul Gibson Epiphone tribute

    I keep trying to post a photo it's the one that's my profile picture, the Les Paul tribute
  7. mkeplays

    I just bought a Les Paul Gibson Epiphone tribute

    I just got my hands on a Les Paul Gibson Epiphone tribute. I freaking love it! I know a lot of Les Paul guitar owners would say I didn't get a real Les Paul Gibson and I understand that but it has a incredible sound, the pickups are just crazy on it and yes I've played the high dollar Gibson's...