R.I.P. Gene Hackman

He had a loft here in hipsterville (portland oregon) in the 80s and 90s...maybe even later. I too had a loft in the same neighborhood, at the time it was the warehouse district...until the ferengi figured they could make a buck exploiting the legacy that the artist community created there...

There was a diner not far where I could be found several mornings a week. One such morning there was a guy sitting at the counter not far from me...he caught me looking at him as through I was trying to place the face, which I was. He just said "I'm not him." then smiled.

The voice gave it away. I'd see him periodically, he'd wave or I would, but I always respected his privacy and he respected mine.

He was a gentleman. Possessed grace and dignity in an industry that has none. In my world it's simply called class.
Well, it will be interesting to know what the toxicology results say. They found pills by his wife.
Well, apparently the latest news is that She died days before he did. She had Hantavirus. There was also a secret tunnel under the house and it had rat droppings. Hackman supposedly had Alzheimer’s and may not have even been aware that his wife died prior to him dying.