Search results

  1. R

    What have you purchased guitar-related in the last 48 hours?

    Thanks, but bear in mind that even though the Les Paul Studio may be considered as being on the "low and", the Gibson and the Epiphone are still $1200 apart from each other. And if the difference essentially boils down to having a headstock reading "Gibson" on the front side and "Made in USA" on...
  2. R

    Adjusting the truss rod under string tension or not

    Ha, this is exactly how I do it also, I mean loosening and removing the D and G strings for accessibility of the truss rod nut, not talking to window washers while jumping off a 60 story building.
  3. R

    What have you purchased guitar-related in the last 48 hours?

    This one: The colour of the finish is actually a lot more beautiful than in the pictures. I have replaced the pickups for Epiphone ProBuckers, original ones ordered from Epiphone, which are more to my liking...
  4. R

    What have you purchased guitar-related in the last 48 hours?

    Gibson Les Paul Studio, "new" model, in Cherry Sunburst. "New", because according to the serial number, run against two different serial number decoders, it has been manufactured in June 2021. Ordered online with a 30 day money back guarantee, and just out of curiosity whether it is worth...
  5. R

    Adjusting the truss rod under string tension or not

    Sure, neck relief should always be judged when tuned to pitch, and with the guitar in playing position. My question is, should the truss rod nut be turned under string tension or without, specifically when turning clockwise. I may be overthinking things, and I have done this without taking care...
  6. R

    Adjusting the truss rod under string tension or not

    The title says it all. What's everyone's take on this? Opinions please.
  7. R

    All Things Funny...

    The client probably got lost around the concept of top wrapping.
  8. R

    Unboxing Original Epiphone ProBuckers

    Today, I finished installing the Epiphone ProBuckers thus replacing the Alnico Classic Pro. Trying hard to avoid getting into cognitive dissonance reduction, but I can probably say that they really don't make a world of a difference, but they are obviously better in some ways in terms of clear...
  9. R


    Start by watching the documentation, which would only include watching a 10 minute video to begin with, linked to up above, before making any uninformed opinion about it. If the guitars which you received as allegedly gone through Plek service didn't cut the mustard, you have probably been taken...
  10. R

    Unboxing Original Epiphone ProBuckers

    According to the Epiphone page, my Les Paul came with Alnico Classic Pro™ Humbuckers. Sorry for addressing them incorrectly previously, and probably causing some kind of confusion. I am still having a hard time getting adjusted to the correct nomenclature. Many thanks for pointing out my snafu...
  11. R

    All Things Funny...

    Admin, please delete the double post. I have asked for this feature being available to users to delete them on their own behalf already. Sorely missing.
  12. R

    All Things Funny...

    Nee, ich brauche keine Kneifzange, um zu lachen, ich komme aus dem Kölner Raum, wo der richtige Humor herkommt, und übrigens kann ich auch Grammatik und Rechtschreibung in Englisch und Deutsch, im Gegensatz zu Du. (Ha, Ha, das war lustig.) Was andere über mich denken, war mir schon immer...
  13. R

    All Things Funny...

    Ziemlich geschmacklos. Hast Du wirklich nichts Besseres zu bieten, zumal zum Thema des Forums und in all den anderen, wo Du aktiv bist, etwa in Sachen Technik? - Was sollen die Amis von uns denken!
  14. R

    Unboxing Original Epiphone ProBuckers

    Thanks. Looking forward to getting around to install them.
  15. R


    No offence intended, but it's all about the overall process and the overall approach to it. World of a difference. Your mileage may vary.
  16. R

    Unboxing Original Epiphone ProBuckers

    Here are some more pictures of the unboxing process. Needless to say that on the box, it says "Designed in Nashville, TN. Made in China."
  17. R

    Unboxing Original Epiphone ProBuckers

    Going through a history of being dissatisfied with the Alnico Classic Pro Classic Pro™ Humbuckers which came with my Epiphone Les Paul Classic, especially with the pickup in the neck position sounding too muddy, and having gone through what seemed like zillions of messages across all boards, I...
  18. R


    I hate to rain on your parade, and you probably won't like hearing this, but you pretty much have it backwards. The whole idea of the Plek service, being CNC based, being that it will only take as much metal off the frets as is actually needed, in terms of treating each individual fret along...
  19. R

    Where do you guys buy your shoes?

    Sorry, but I can't help feeling that this forum is becoming more and more of a nonrelated forum such as MLP and a few others as days go by. Why don't you just stick to what you created it for, going by the title?
  20. R

    Who Are The Biggest Influences On Your Guitar Playing?

    For me, historically, and starting at the age of 12 up until the early 80s, it would be: Ritchie Blackmore, Dickey Betts, Warren Haynes.