Soundtown 2x12 empty cab


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2024
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Just got one this week. It’s a good box. Well built. ~1/2inch ply. The wheat grill looks great but it’s not for me. I bought the cab with the idea of swapping the grill cloth for black. But the box is well integrated that I would have to pretty much destroy the box to get to the cloth. So I painted it.


I see a way to lay in a framed grill cloth on the front. Cloth ordered.


I had two Blues laying around and it is long overdue that they got in the mix.
It sounds great. Especially paired with the two V30s in the top cab.

So far, no fart or flubby sounds. @rolandson Look like I dodged a bullet on this one.
You did indeed! Apparently you were granted mercy by the gods of speaker coils and spiders. Still, it would be wise to ... not tempt fate again young man...!
Never. Had I known..?

That leaves two more to prop sideways this afternoon. One is in a box. The other I’ll have to brace up.
There was a shop in Seattle called The Trading Musician that had what I remember as hundreds of raw frame drivers hanging from the ceiling on hooks, all around their multiple rooms. No boxes, they just passed the hooks through the mounting holes. I sorta liked the affect. Art Deco for the sound tech set.

I've nine speakers residing hereabouts that I regularly consider doing the same thing with ... only because finding space for the boxes is a pain.