Recent content by GrandmaShreds

  1. GrandmaShreds

    Taylor Swift Signature Epi Acoustic

    Whooptidooo, more T Swift propaganda!
  2. GrandmaShreds

    How many guitars is too many?

    White Rickenbacker :love:
  3. GrandmaShreds

    Needs vs Wants

    I've played bass for most of my musical life and I miss having a 5 string. I never struggled muting the low B. You just have to anchor your thumb on it when you play, like you would anchor your thumb on the neck pickup/bridge pickup on a 4 string. I can cross the bigger bass amp off my wants...
  4. GrandmaShreds

    Your Year in Gear - Edition 2024

    That Epi LP is absolutely stunning! There's just something about zebra pickups on a Les Paul that screams Rock and Roll!
  5. GrandmaShreds

    Your Year in Gear - Edition 2024

    I acquired: -Epiphone Les Paul Classic Honeyburst -Recording King RD 318 Dreadnought -Boss Katana 110 bass amp
  6. GrandmaShreds

    New BAD!

    This is an A/B class power which is supposed to be better than class D, but I'm not too familiar with all that. All I care about is having a great practise amp while having a plethora of effects to choose from so I never really need to buy any pedals as of right now.
  7. GrandmaShreds

    Santa (or Satan) is coming soon!

  8. GrandmaShreds

    New BAD!

    Picked up the Boss Katana 110 bass amp today! I have the guitar amp (Katana 100 MK2) and this will go along nicely with it! Lots to dissect so I'll be a while getting used to it. I have the GAFC footswtich already for my guitar Katana so that works out even better!
  9. GrandmaShreds

    Gear prices

    I'm curious to know if US prices hit the pocket book like Canadian prices do. Say if you buy an Epiphone LP for example in the US for $599, and the same guitar in Canada is $899, does the US price hit the same as the Canadian price? Like does it feel like you are spending $900 in the US when...
  10. GrandmaShreds

    Santa (or Satan) is coming soon!

    I can just imagine the awful sound of a kazoo coming out of that lol
  11. GrandmaShreds

    Santa (or Satan) is coming soon!

    Ever see an electric kazoo?
  12. GrandmaShreds

    Grannies been talking to Santa and all of you are on the naughty list! No gifts for you, just coal!

    Grannies been talking to Santa and all of you are on the naughty list! No gifts for you, just coal!
  13. GrandmaShreds

    Needs vs Wants

    Needs: -nut slotting files -fret levelling beam -fret crowning file -bigger bass amp Wants: -5 string bass -another guitar for D standard/drop tuning
  14. GrandmaShreds

    Needs vs Wants

    For me it's the complete opposite. I played bass for the better half of 15 years off and on, in bands and jamming alone, and when I picked up guitar (it will be 4 years now) I found guitar to be way harder than bass. Different techniques, and I find guitar way harder to fake than bass. Bass can...
  15. GrandmaShreds

    Removing pickup covers

    I wanted to try and remove the pickup covers on my SG Pro because I enjoy the aesthetic of not having the covers on. Do I need a soldering iron to remove them or can I just score the solder with a razor blade and remove the covers with a set of pliers? I'm really hoping there would be a set of...