"Clean" Boost...


May 21, 2024
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Although there are a million clean boost pedals on the market, I'm wondering if anyone has experience with a TRUE clean boost pedal, that does exactly that. NO tone knob, tone shaping BS, etc...

A pedal that takes your volume, and makes it louder.

There are several to chose from. I use a TC Spark Boost mini. Keeley has the Katana and mini Katana. JHS has the Prestige. All are top shelf pedals that only boost. Here's a list of even more.

I have an EP Boost. Just a volume knob. I also have a Demon FX Dual Boost. It's an EP Boost and a Fortin 33 Boost in 1 pedal. Neither of those have tone knobs either. The 33 Boost does its own tone shaping in the circuit. It cuts A LOT of bass and modifies the signal quite a bit.

It's definitely not the same tone, just louder. The EP Boost is, though. As far as I can tell, anyway.

Edit: or not. The EP is supposed to be the Echoplex preamp so whatever that does is likely what the EP does.

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